As one of the leaders in the market,
Kraft Heinz ABC needs a transformation to their brand as well as in communicating their shopper journey from two of their best selling products; Sambal ABC and Kecap ABC.
Kraft Heinz ABC was looking for an integrated solution to help them to cut through the fast-changing food, technology, and communication landscape with impact.
By trying to elevate the consumer experience and journey, creating the wanted breakthrough in the Modern Trade & General Trade clutters. We want to drive in-store conversion with visibility, promotion and activation for chili (Sambal) and soy (Kecap) categories.
Kraft Heinz ABC
IRIS Indonesia
Shopper Tool-Kits
The approach starts by focusing on understanding our consumers and their behaviors through trade visits, consumer interviews and trend analysis.
We try to see the Shopper Strategy and Journey from the lens of our consumers, starting from pre-going-to-store, in-store and post-store-visit experiences – from macro to micro.
Then the result should reflect in our creative approach and execution as the answer of the problem.

Through a seamless consumer journey linking offline and online, we aim to convince shoppers that Sambal ABC is the best choice for any types of meal/dishes as it elevates the taste due to its superior ingredients.
From this journey – from the starting thought, to shopping experience, even to the tasting, we hope that it will bring us to an end result that is our consumer's loyalty.
Through a seamless consumer journey linking offline and online, we aim to convince shoppers that Sambal ABC is the best choice for any types of meal/dishes as it elevates the taste due to its superior ingredients.
From this journey – from the starting thought, to shopping experience, even to the tasting, we hope that it will bring us to an end result that is our consumer's loyalty.
By bringing "Teman Sejiwa Setiap Rasa", we want to position Sambal ABC as everyone's go to when it comes to condiment for all type of dishes – from dining in a five-star restaurant or indulging the street-side food-stall – you’re never far from Sambal ABC.
It is the inseparable moments that we need to highlight and give a twist to. Our consumers love the taste, it is their go to condiment and it elevates the meal. But we need to go beyond this by showcasing new experiences with Sambal ABC.
That's why with Sambal ABC, its always a perfect match!

A Whole Shopping Experience
From shopper in General Trade to the Modern Trade, it is important to bring a new viewpoint of how Sambal ABC can be used for occasions our audiences may never thought about, let alone try.
The whole shopping journey should create that experience in a result of bringing an even more consumers and users of Sambal ABC.

Our aim is to challenge the market leader. We see the needs to emphasize the core difference and superiority of our product, not only from its functional attributes but also through human connections.
We highlight the role of Kecap ABC as the brand that brings the family together through its delightful tastes. By highlighting as one notch above the rest in its market for the use of its best essential ingredients, Kecap ABC will be the choice that makes every meal be the best meal to have together within the family.


"Awal Momen Kelezatan",
the literal translation of the message to position Kecap ABC as the beginning of every best moment.
Complemented with "Sempurnakan Masakan Dengan" that continues with the brand USP by using the best ingredients, it positions Kecap ABC as the integral element of the dishes you love and the memories you're going to create.
But with the new tastes and sentiment, there is more that we need to showcase to be relevant and to drive conversion. To achieve this, we need to showcase that the inclusivity are brilliant – that every meal doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s the simple that eventually makes the perfect,
And ABC Kecap is just your simple start to create your perfect moment