Social Media, Campaign, Print
Intel, as one of the leading hardware and technology providers for well-known PC brands, feels the need to drive more towards PC relevance
for first time buyers. At the same time, there's a need
to ignite PC refresh in order to increase 2-in-1 sales
and also engagement with the rise of mobile phone and tablet usage replacing PC.
Seeing the needs, Intel asked our help to create a campaign that targets more on college students or fresh grads and also young multi-tasking millennials. Inspired by the insights that we found on our target audiences, the campaign engaged with 5 talented and self-made professionals that diverse from entrepreneurship, to art (photography, creative content, and musician), to also gaming. These 5 professionals will be our advocate that will inspire our target audiences to make their dream be their professional career, and by being supported by Intel PC.
Intel Indonesia
ZENO Indonesia
Campaign, Social Media, Offline Event & Workshops


Targeting more on the young productive age,
we carried a 1-year challenge throughout the campaign
that covers 5 different fields of interest
which are photography, gaming, content creation, business/entrepreneurship, and also music.
Audiences can choose which category they want to participate in and submit an original creative creation of their own in order to participate in the challenge by showing how to create it by being supported by Intel PC.
One winner from each category will get a prize of mentorship with our engaged 5 professionals, as well as new Intel PC/laptop to support their career in the future – as the start to reach their own success story (#MulaiSuksesMu).

Your Own MulaiSuksesMu is Possible
As the prize of the challenge, each winner of each category will get mentorship with our engaged professionals. And to increase more share of voice, we documented their special moment with a hope that it will also inspire other audiences that it's possible to reach their own dream, to make it a real life success, again, by supported by Intel.