Social Media, Campaign, Print
The US Embassy and AmCham Indonesia are two organizations that represent the United States of America in Indonesia. They engaged with us as an agency to communicate objectives that are more organizationally driven rather than communications driven.
We developed a communication strategy to help the US Embassy and AmCham Indonesia to achieve the overall organizational objective – to communicate the benefits of US-Indonesia economic engagement to stakeholders whose increased knowledge will have the most impact to foster said engagement.
US Embassy,
AmCham Indonesia
DJE Holdings
Campaign, Social Media


As a multilateral agency, the US Embassy and AmCham Indonesia aims to nurture relationship with businesses in Indonesia through its campaign – #MitraMasaDepan.
The campaign demonstrates US companies’ contributions
to Indonesia in four areas: innovation, human development, inclusive growth, and COVID-19 response. In implementation, the campaign has social media contents to promote its cause.

From that core message,
the communication itself is divided into 4 categories:
"Mitra Untuk Inovasi" / Partners for Innovation
"Mitra Untuk Negeri" / Partners for Inclusive Growth
"Mitra Untuk Prestasi" / Partners for Progress
and last but not least,
"Mitra Peduli" / Partners for Covid-19 Response.

The Core Message
“Mitra Masa Depan” or “Partners for the Future” emphasizes two important aspects of the US economic engagement with Indonesia.
"Mitra" or Partners emphasis on the equal standing between the US with Indonesia, recognizing the growth in Indonesia to not only the US but also to the world.
While "Masa Depan" or The Future captures the spirit of Indonesian young population and its forward-looking mentality positioning the US as partner for Indonesia to leap forward for Indonesia to be the developed country in the eyes of the world.